Sunday, April 28, 2013

Coming soon

Just a couple more days until our open house for Silent Warrior Martial Arts.  We're going to have our classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings 6-730pm. John and I have been working out, meeting twice a week to get me back up to speed, and the training has been going well.  The last time we trained, John and I had a frank discussion about what we can expect. If all goes well, good. If the program itself bombs, John still wants to train with me. And I'd be happy with that too. It's been pretty awesome got get back into Ninpo Chuan Fa again after nearly 8 years.

At best, we have a few people interested. That's fine to start out, and word of the program can build from there. Most people that have trained with John have been impressed with his style and way of teaching. I'm hoping for 3-6 regular students to start. As it is, Jack's Aikido program in Conway has only three of us regularly, and that's after being available for 14 months.

John ultimately wants to open up the old school again. He's become unhappy with the career he's been working in since he closed the school, and is in the process of looking for a new career; daunting for anyone in their 50's. So all the while looking for a new full time job for him, we'll run this program and look for other spaces that could potentially be used as a new permanent dojo if our program is able to generate enough interest.

One issue I keep running into is our demographic for interest. We've only heard of a few adults interested in taking the program  I've also had quite a few people ask me about a kids program for our martial art; quite a bit more actually. It's kind of tough for me to explain to parents that our program is just starting up, and teaching kids is a whole different approach than adults. Best I can tell them is that it's an option we may visit next year depending on how well our adult program goes. I hate having to tell people this, considering how good martial arts were for me as a kid.

I asked one friend who wanted to enroll her kids, "What about the other school in town?"
The other school in town is a Kenpo dojo that opened up a couple years after Silent Warrior closed its doors. I've heard very mixed reviews of this dojo. My friend simply said "Have you ever actually been there?"  She suggested I take a friend's kid there and try to enroll them to see how the school is run. She was not impressed. And no, I'm not going to take a friend's kid to pretend enroll :)
Kind of a shame to hear that some people aren't happy with that school. However, I'm cautious of people's criticisms of a school I've never trained in. I thought of going to that particular dojo a few years back, but they have a very "McDojo" type of name for the school which is a big turnoff for me, plus the stuff I heard from people that trained there saying  that they didn't learn much, and that is was more of a wannabe MMA place.

I'd like to have a kids program, but not right now. Besides, the thing I have to keep telling people is that John and I both work full time. Well, in a couple days we'll see how our part time endeavor will start...

Monday, April 15, 2013

Advantages of the internet in martial arts

Ninpo Chuan Fa's main basis come from Kenpo, most of the forms and the 108 combinations in that mix. Putting the puzzle pieces together has been a challenge, but with John's training and some well found videos on Youtube, it's been easier to relearn my old forms and combinations.

As with most martial arts schools, you're going to find various differences in techniques between schools. Years ago  I attended a Kenpo school while being away from home at college for the first time. The owner/master of the school had trained John and other teachers years before, John actually being one of the instructors assisting in his 3rd Dan test. This instructor asked me to perform all my forms for him so he could spot differences. He was an excellent teacher, and I must say was very respectful to me, being only and 18 year old 1st Dan at the time. One weekend he asked me to assist a Saturday morning practice session with one of his assistant instructors, since he'd be out of town.  However, he asked me to not show the students any of my forms, since in most of my forms, while similar to his, had various differences that could mess up his students. Made sense, and looking back I was quite impressed with his kids class.

While looking up videos on Youtube, I notice various small differences in forms and combinations people will perform in Kenpo. These videos still make decent practice material. I just need to take mental note of the differences so I don't screw up my own forms.

I had to do this while using Aikido 3d too. There are noticeable minor differences in some techniques between what Jack teaches me and what the instructor in Aikido 3d demonstrates. Not a big deal, just need to make mental notes when using these tools.

The Ninpo Chuan Fa training with John is going quite well, and the internet is helping me in some aspects. Looking forward to attending Aikido again next month though, if only once a week for now. I may be taking on a lot relearning my old style that I'm a 3rd Dan in, while also learning Aikido as a 4th Kyu, but I'm also relishing it! A year ago if someone told me I had the opportunity to do either one of these styles, particularly Ninpo Chuan Fa again, I wouldn't have believed it! This martial arts geek is excited these days...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Moving forward

We had a good meeting with Laura, the lead lady at WREN. We're all agreed on the times and running of the program. John and I get keys this week. Laura even gave us some good advice on branding the program. We've shared some ideas on the new school logo, and we're going to simplify it, kind of cleaning it up and making it instantly recognizable, while conveying the tone of the program.

The practice sessions have been going well. That box of puzzle pieces is slowly but surely coming together. We've been going over old material, and then I'll be treated with "brain candy" as John puts it; some practical use and extensive training on various techniques.

One mildly discouraging thing: no students lined up! We're hoping to promote as much as possible. I'm hoping for 6  regular students to start, but we'll see. On our facebook page, the only real interest I've gotten is from parents wanting to enroll their kids. I feel bad telling them the age limit, but for now an adults only class (14+)  is the best way for us to go. We'll visit the kids class option if all goes well over the next year.

Hopefully next month while we start up the program I'll also get back to doing Aikido, although just one day a week.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I wanna ride!

Took my bicycle out this past Sunday for the first time this year. My Jamis Explorer1 that I bought last year needed just a minor tweek on the seat and some air in the tires. My friend Lincoln and his wife own a small bicycle shop in the next town over, so I brought my wheels down to get set.

Once Lincoln was done and closed up shop, we took to a light easy walking/cycling trail down the road, he on his brand new Jamis mountain bike. His last mountain bike is still in good order, but has been passed down to his pre-teen daughter. Some hand-me-downs are pretty good!

It was good to enjoy the spring ride. Now my other set of wheels, the motorcycle, will have to wait a few weeks. Some people are already out on theirs, but I find the roads still a bit too sandy for my comfort, after all that was used when the roads were icy. I figure a couple more weeks and a few good rainstorms and I'll get the motor running again....

Monday, April 8, 2013

could go either way...

Practice with my Ninpo Chuan Fa  teacher has been going well. Sluggish with my kicks, particularly with my high side kicks, but they're getting up there. It's been like looking in a puzzle box trying to piece together the old forms and combinations. I remember steps in various forms and combinations here and there, but it's still a jumble. However, over the past ten years John wasn't available to help me piece  it all together. John's getting me up to speed starting from the bottom, so as we teach new student's I'll have the foundations secured again to teach.

The self defense stuff we go over is the easiest to remember. It's familiar, flowing and practical. John also has an appreciation for the Aikido I've been taking, and in a sense it helped get me back in a martial arts rhythm.

We had a chance last week to practice in the space at WREN where we'll be holding our classes. We'll be sitting down with Laura, the lady in charge of the Berlin WREN building this Thursday to go over paperwork stuff and get keys. That day John's wife is also supposed to have the new draft for the revamp of the logo ready.

Things are looking like we have a chance to make this work. I'm cautiously positive however. This is a space we're sharing with other groups, with limited space to store equipment. Also, 40% of what we make goes to WREN, which is a double edged sword. When we found out the 40% aspect, i was kinda taken back by it. Thought it'd be around 20-30% at most. It also doesn't help my mindset that a friend of mine that has been teaching a yoga class there over the past six weeks doesn't plan to return to WREN due to that percentage takeaway.

We'll see how it all goes. As is, I'm mentally giving this a six month trial basis to see what interest we can foster, and if successful, search for a space that's possibly better. However, a lot of this is dependant on John and I being able to hold our classes consistently.

In the meantime, I'm going to attempt to go to Aikido once a week, which my instructor Jack was very happy to hear about. I have missed those classes too. So in the meantime, with all the uncertainty on whether the revival of Ninpo Chuan Fa gets off the ground, I can still keep up with what I put into Aikido over the past year.