Friday, April 25, 2014

Got a Mac

So the replacement Dell laptop was running fine, and then within a week a backlight went out and then the I started to get "media fail" messages. That was enough. I didn't even want to call Dell or anyone else to deal with this. Time for something new.

Thanks to peer pressure from my parents, my brother, most of my friends on Facebook and my girlfriend, I got a Macbook Pro.  Big step. Expensive step. About three times what I would usually pay for a laptop.

I've had the Mac a couple weeks now, and I must say, I'm impressed. Thanks to a tutorial by my lovely lady, I'm finding the Mac overall much easier to use than any computer I've had in the past. Also, there's just good solid quality to this product. And from what most of my friends have said, they're quite reliable. Being an owner of a Honda car and motorcycle, I like reliability.

The funniest thing though, is the one person that told me not to do it: my co-worker with the bachelor's degree in computers (information technology?)  His own personal preference though. He eventually said that for my use, it's probably a good choice.

So hopefully I'm done with any computer troubles for the foreseeable future. My Facebook friends are overjoyed that they won't  see any more posts about me complaining about my computer.

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