Friday, November 30, 2012

small class

Aikido has been going relatively well. I've enjoyed what I've been learning a great deal. However, I'm now the only regular student.

Another fellow black belt in a style of Kenpo, Jeff had been attending the class regularly as well. We worked well with each other. When studying the martial arts, it's good to have people that you're tossing around, and who toss you around to have a mutual respect. Makes things less awkward when one of you does get tossed a little too well.

Unfortunately, Jeff moved from NH to the other side of the country last month. Over the past month, Jack Sensei and I have simply coordinated various times when we could meet. Due to the holidays and a trip I took to Chicago, we only met once a week. Now we're back to meeting twice a week, although we'll take the week of Christmas off.

The days we did meet this past month, we doubled up on the time in class to make up for the other days missed. It's been a lot like taking private lessons, and I'm progressing well. It's fun to learn!

I'll be testing again in January. Still enjoying the art of Aikido.

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