Sunday, August 4, 2013


I got my 2003 Pontiac Vibe  eight years ago. It had all-wheel-drive and had back seats that folded down to create a flat, plastic surface for some excellent storage if I wanted to carry a bunch of stuff. I was even able to to carry two 5x10 rolled up martial arts mats.

This vehicle transported me back and forth two and half hours away ever week for over a year and a half while I was in Paramedic school, with very few issues

Lately, though, it started to have a few issues, and having paid it off four years ago, I was starting to do the math of how much money I was willing to put into a vehicle I wasn't going to keep another couple years.

So it was time for something new. I wanted to keep that same storage capacity, or something similar to that, with either really good fuel economy or another AWD. Test drove a couple vehicles (always fun), and settled on a 2010 Honda Insight.

The seats fold down flat, has decent cargo space, and it'll get me an average 40-45 mpg overall, strangely enough the same mpg I get on my Honda VTX 1300! So far I'm enjoying the new ride. The true test will be this winter, whether I really miss the AWD or not. If I don't like it this winter, I'll trade it in for something else next year.

My hippy friends are applauding this move, while my anti-hippy friends are spouting off South Park quotes like "Good for yooooouuuuuuuu"!!!... to which I reply "Thaaaaannnnnnks"!

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