Thursday, December 8, 2011


             For as long as I can remember, I've almost always had a song in my head. Like a radio station that is always on at a low volume, it would almost always go with whatever mood I'm in. I first noticed this back in high school, when my mind was ripe for being overexposed to grunge and alternative rock. Good stuff. Still love it.

            It's not a bad thing overall. The only time it bugs me is if I'm trying to meditate. Then it's  a conscious effort to turn the subconscious jukebox off in my head. This will annoy me in the fact that I'm trying to empty my mind, but struggling too hard in the process. When I can't turn it off, I go back to some of my favorite music that played in the old School of the Silent Warrior. Jethro Tull, Joan Osborne, or some relaxing Native American flute music will do the trick.

            So I can change the song in my head with just a little concentration. And it's more or less a loop of certain parts of the song that are present. I'm glad it's something I can deal with , especially if I get a song from a commercial in my head.

             I've only mentioned this oddity to a couple friends. One of them will ask every once in a while "what's playing in your head"?   I wonder if anybody else has this odd little tic. Right now I got Tom Petty's "I need to know" going on in my head, mostly the chorus. Good tune...

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